Editorial policies
The scientific journal “State and Law” accepts only original and authentic papers on a regular basis, which have never been published before or are submitted/under consideration in another means of publication.
The procedure of selection the submitted articles is guided by the relevance of the context and the scientific value of the text.
Editorial selection policy for articles is based on the principle of objectivity in evaluating the quality of articles submitted for publication; impartiality; observance of copyright and related rights; confidentiality of information.
Particular attention is paid to avoid cases of plagiarism, incorrect use of other author’s texts, duplication of the same information in different articles, etc.
The selection of the articles and the editorial policy of the publication are based on generally recognized ethical standards, defined in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, more information: http://publicationethics.org) and in the Code of Ethics of the Scientist of Ukraine, approved by the General Assembly of NAS of Ukraine on April 15, 2009.
All submitted articles are subject to standard double-blind peer-review.
The reviewer gives the editorial board a conclusion on the article with recommendations on its publication. The reviewer can make comments on the content of the article, which are submitted to the author for their consideration or refutation. The author has the right to read the text of the review for his article.
The final decision to print the article is taken by the editor-in-chief, and each issue of the journal is approved by the Scientific Council of the V. M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine.